Part 20: These People Are Disgusting
Of course, sometimes, you need to take a break from studying. Especially when you have a work ethic like me.
Last time, some rat motherfucker came in complaining about how Brahne is committing genocide against his people.
Good riddance, I s--

Fucking fuck Cid

oh also he dies

"We have no choice... Call back the 4th aerial patrol division patrolling the border."

Or we can just do nothing and pretend like that guy never showed up, nobody knows if he made it or not and I mean it's not like they're even people

Well at least we'll get to fight some minorities.

"You're a woman"
"Well I was a woman when we were fighting shit in the Ice Caverns too"
"Good point but still no"

"But you're a woman too!"
"Not since the operation"

Ahh, yes, Lindblum. Let's eat. If Cid IX had the internet, he would probably do those weird Let's Eat things like that creepy fucker on Youtube does

--Are you

, a mustached giant cockroach beetle,


on top of this food.

I am not touching th--oh fucking fuck

We have a colloquialism for this in Hawaii, it is called a Kanak Attack. You eat a lot of food, and then you just crash.
"Kau kau, moe moe"--eat, sleep.

Oh. Well, I guess this isn't one of those.

"What?... Now that you mention it, I feel just fine.[/i]"

Well I suppose you have a bright future as a medieval politician ahead of you.

Huihui, the biggest battle you've probably ever been in was trying to keep the pounds off after you hit 35.

Well, I guess if you're going to HELP Queen Brahne destroy shit, that is somewhat awesome.

"but no one calls me a woman pejoratively and gets away with it"

"Then head for Gizamaluke's Grotto, as 'Iole said, to go to Burmecia."

Wait, Cid VII used a Spear

Anyway, we can now officially manage 'Iole's equipment.

So now we can take the trolleys here in one of two directions.

Serpent's Gate will have a purpose later on, but for now,

our only use for it is to find a thing.

Oh how convenient a Save Moogle right before we go to the world map
Also Dragon's Gate is called Dragon's Gate because there is a little dragon painting above the gate. They are not very creative here, and yes, it took all lunchtime to open this little door.

That said, we go to the world map and fight shit.

I'm sorry I didn't get more screenshots of it, but the world map framerate slowdown is so hideous that I'm more concerned about getting from point A to point B rather than getting screenshots of me doing it. That said, this is point B.

It's very easy to just accidentally skip this place over your first time playing the game.

This is where Mogster lives. He is one of the few Moogles in the game who does not do Mognet or save your game.

And here we see us running through some really tall grass.

And here we see a what the fuck is that.
We grab one of those frogs and...

never say i don't do things for you guys
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (you pronounce the "w"s as /v/s... voiced labiodental fricative? I should know this, this is my training and trade), or "Iz," is a renowned and beloved singer of Hawaiian reggae-ballad music made famous mostly by the use of his songs posthumously in films. He is occasionally referred to comically and disrespectfully in Hawaii (by myself included) as "Waz" on account of being a person in the past tense. This is the most appropriate character that could possibly have been given the name "Iz" because s/he loves to eat, and Iz loved eating so much that it literally killed him.
Incidentally, if you read it in a stylized manner, Iz does not speak like a fool, but speaks what is essentially Hawaiian Creole English. I myself didn't think of this until someone read some lines in the HCE tone, after which point I started paying more attention to Iz's sentence structure and realized that it is in fact the truth. I may or may not make a recorded file example in the future to show that Iz is not a dummy, but you are all jerks if you dislike him/her on the basis of how s/he speaks.
Aside: this is the first time I named Quina something new from before; up until now, it was always Paprika, I suppose because it was the first, most ridiculous seasoning that I could think of at thirteen.

Maika'i no.